

Apex Chart:

ApexCharts (opens in a new tab) is a modern JavaScript library for creating interactive charts and visualizations with an easy-to-use API. For detailed instructions and additional options, please consult the Apex Charts (opens in a new tab) Documentation (opens in a new tab).

Re Chart:

Recharts (opens in a new tab) - Re-designed charting library built with React and D3. For detailed instructions and additional options, please consult the Recharts (opens in a new tab) Documentation (opens in a new tab).

Re Chart:

Recharts (opens in a new tab)is a free, open-source JavaScript library for data visualization, which supports eight chart types: bar, line, area, pie, bubble, radar, polar, and scatter. For detailed instructions and additional options, please consult the Recharts (opens in a new tab) Documentation (opens in a new tab).


Unovis (opens in a new tab) is built with Typescript and allows you to import individual component modules to reduce your app bundle size. For detailed instructions and additional options, please consult the Unovis (opens in a new tab) Documentation (opens in a new tab).