

Thank you for choosing our DashTail - Tailwind, React Next Admin Dashboard Template. Within this documentation, you'll discover starter guides and API documentation tailored to our DashTail's unique layouts, apps, pages, components, and more. We're excited to help you get started. 🙂. Let's get you up and running.

About DashTail

DashTail offers a user-centric, plug-and-play admin template ideal for crafting visually appealing, scalable, and efficiently performing web applications, leveraging the modern capabilities of Next.js and Tailwind CSS. Suitable for a wide range of projects including web apps, dashboards, admin panels, eCommerce platforms, HR systems, social networks, email clients, analytics dashboards, or any SaaS-based interface, DashTail's admin dashboard template stands as the perfect selection for your development needs.

Key Features

Enhance Your projects with our admin dashboard: a suite of powerful features for dynamic development

  1. Crafted using Next.js 14.

  2. Developed with TailwindCSS 3.

  3. Variety of Conceptual Dashboards.

  4. Diverse Layout Options.

  5. Multiple Theme Color.

  6. Extensive Collection of Pages.

  7. Wide Range of Components..

  8. Comprehensive Starter Kit.

  9. Supports Dark and Light Modes.

  10. Adaptive Responsive Design.

  11. Optimized, Lightweight Code.

  12. User-Friendly Customization.

  13. Guaranteed Lifetime Updates.

  14. Endless Template Options.

Conceptual Dashboards

  1. Analytics

  2. Ecommerce

  3. Project

Ready-to-Use Applications

  1. Chat

  2. Email

  3. Application