Menu Customization

Menu Customization

In our demo, we've utilized various menu structures. To customize your menu, start by selecting the menu structure you prefer for your application.

Vertical Menu

If you prefer using the vertical menu in your system, you can tailor the menus.js file to suit your requirements.

export const menusConfig = {
  sidebarNav: {
    modern: [
        title: "Components",
        icon: Components,
        child: [
            title: "Base Ui",
            icon: Flag,
            nested: [
                title: "avatar",
                icon: "heroicons:information-circle",
                href: "/avatar",
                title: "about",
                icon: "heroicons:information-circle",
                href: "/about",

Vertical Collapsed Menu

If you prefer using the vertical collapsed menu in your system, you can tailor the menus.js file to suit your requirements.

export const menusConfig = {
  sidebarNav: {
    classic: [
        title: "Components",
        icon: Components,
        child: [
            title: "Base Ui",
            icon: Flag,
            nested: [
                title: "avatar",
                icon: "heroicons:information-circle",
                href: "/avatar",
                title: "about",
                icon: "heroicons:information-circle",
                href: "/about",

Horizontal Menu

If you prefer using the horizontal collapsed menu in your system, you can tailor the menus.js file to suit your requirements.

export const menusConfig = {
  mainNav: [
      title: "Dashboard",
      icon: DashBoard,
      child: [
          title: "Analytics",
          href: "/dashboard",
          icon: Graph,
          title: "Ecommerce",
          href: "/ecommerce",
          icon: Cart,
          title: "about",
          icon: "heroicons:information-circle",
          href: "/about",