Folder Structure

Folder Structure

Learn about the folder structure of the template and its contents.

β”œβ”€ app
β”‚  β”œβ”€ (dashboard)
β”‚  β”‚  β”œβ”€ (apps)
β”‚  β”‚  β”œβ”€ (chart)
β”‚  β”‚  β”œβ”€ (components)
β”‚  β”‚  β”œβ”€ (diagrams)
β”‚  β”‚  β”œβ”€ (forms)
|  |  β”œβ”€ (home)
β”‚  β”‚  β”œβ”€ (icons)
β”‚  β”‚  β”œβ”€ (invoice)
|  |  β”œβ”€ (map)
β”‚  β”‚  β”œβ”€ (tables)
β”‚  β”‚  β”œβ”€ blank
|  |  β”œβ”€ diagram
β”‚  β”‚  |-layout.jsx
β”‚  β”‚  |-main-layout.jsx
β”‚  β”‚  
β”‚  β”œβ”€ api
β”‚  β”œβ”€ assets
β”‚  β”œβ”€ auth
β”‚  β”œβ”€ error-page
β”‚  β”œβ”€ utility
β”‚  |- favicon.ico
β”‚  |- layout.jsx
β”‚  |- not-found.js
β”‚  |- page.jsx
β”œβ”€ components
β”‚  β”œβ”€ auth
β”‚  β”œβ”€ landing-page
β”‚  β”œβ”€ partials
β”‚  β”œβ”€ svg
β”‚  β”œβ”€ task-board
β”‚  β”œβ”€ ui
|  |-blank.jsx
β”‚  |-dashboard-select.jsx
β”‚  |-dashboard-dropdown.jsx
β”‚  |-date-picker-with-range.jsx
β”‚  |-delete-confirmation-dialog.jsx
β”‚  |-error-block.jsx
β”‚  |-header-search.jsx
β”‚  |-layout-order.jsx
β”‚  |-ripple.jsx
β”œβ”€ config
β”œβ”€ hooks
β”œβ”€ lib
β”‚  β”œβ”€ docs
β”‚  |-appex-chat-options.jsx
β”‚  |-auth.js
β”‚  |-utils.js
β”œβ”€ pages
β”‚  β”œβ”€ docs
β”‚  |-_app.jsx
β”‚  |-_meta.json
β”œβ”€ provider
β”œβ”€ public
β”œβ”€ store
|- .env.local
|- .gitignore
|- jsconfig.json
|- middleware.js
|- next.env.d.ts
|- next.config.js
|- package-lock.json
|- package.json
|- postcss.config.js
|- tailwind.config.js
|- theme.config.js
|- yarn.lock